Friday, April 1, 2011

Assaignment on Unit-4

I have explored a number of blogs created by my course mates. Their links were very much helpful as well as informative.For instance- the post on Geraldine Ferraro by Marjorie made me amazed that in 1984 how a woman penetrated the opaque sphere of conventions and stood up as a pioneer in the political history of the US. Coming from an immigrant family, her path was never an easy one. I was astonished to see the video in which she is debating with G.W.Bush Senior. The confidence and the zeal in her eyes were something which are sure to be remembered throughout my life.Thanks to Nasreen Ma'am, who has taken this novel step to intermingle our worlds!

Another Video is worth mentioning,which was uploaded by Garcia.This one helped me to learn a lot about the AWCF & CAEV. The increasing numbers of members of these two organizations show the striking initiatives taken to improve the condition of Asian women. And country like Germany is also coming forward to help them to flourish is another compliment to their efforts.All these videos have filled with a sheer pleasure of optimism in me.

1 comment:

  1. Shehreen, you’ve provided a remarkable report on Marjorie Clark and Filberto Garcia’s blog post. I hope that this class will pave way to a new wave of global education through online learning.
